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Role Conflict and Its Resolution

Role conflict may be experienced by an individual at two levels firstly within his own body of roles and secondly between his own roles and those of other people. Role conflict can occur within one own body of role when there is difference between one's own perception of his role and his actual role behaviour. This may cause loss of self-image. The other condition is when a person records incompatibility between his roles associated with two statuses. Role conflict arises at second level when an individual perceives his role differs from the definition of his role by the occupants in the counter position. Problems arises how to tackle such situation. Gross has given a role conflict resolution theory in this regard. The theory of role-conflict resolution presupposes that a role bearer confronted with conflicting role expectation will let his role bearer confronted with conflicting role expectation will let his role behaviour he determined by his legitimacy judgment about each of the role expectation, the negative sanctions expected after deviation from each of the role expectation and his orientation with respect to legitimacy and sanctions.

Current Affairs Magazine